Aasmani Rishtay

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Generation Gap: Are you Young or Parent?

One of the burning issues of the present day world is the gap going wider between parents and the young generation and the wall is getting higher and higher with every passing day. Parents are complaining that they have lagged behind in the race of the hour and the young lot is desirous of going unchecked. Both have their own arguments and reasons. Elders are holding the reins of values and traditions while youngsters are flying with the new winds. New technologies and advancements have given to the humanity a lot in form of blessings and has taken heavy price, on the other hand, from the pocket of conventions.

Salman, just 15, is the only son of his parents and he is a successful flirt. He is proud of his latest flirt with a girl who is doing masters in a university. Being asked, he says,

''I want catharsis, want to share my thinking, my feelings, my likes, dislikes. I cannot share all that with parents who are more preachers than parents. They have only one target in their life, to rebuke me, to check me on each and every thing''.....''I cannot watch movies, sit on my computer till late at night, can't go for hang outs'', he does not stop. ''My mother is always after me to see what I am doing, where I am going. And my father.....he will never allow me to do what I wish. He is just an adviser. I can't live in this prison'', he goes on.

Salman has left home twice but luckily was found once in Karachi and second time in a bus to Islamabad from Lahore. And the reason he gives to flee is not only alarming but horrible too. Generation gap! Latest technologies are stealing the offspring from parents. They know or perhaps do not know that Social Media is parenting the new lot. It is fostering them and they are trusting it more than they trust in their parents or families. School going lot is having mobiles the uses of which are more than normal conversation. Call and message packages have broken into our walls and in the storm of mobiles, parents are rivals. And the bitter reality of today is parents have to run with the new age; youngsters will not stop or slow down for their sake.  

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posted @ 23:59, ,

Say No to Unnecessary Rituals in Wedding

Nikah is a sacred bond between a couple to accompany each other for the whole of life. It is an institution that makes the couple recognised in the eyes of society and family. In Islam, wedding is a very simple function that requires nothing on the name of rites and rituals. Only Nikah and Walima are the basic needs of a wedding but we have multiplied it with a lot of rituals that are taking a lion's share of family budget. Time has come to spread the message of Islam and saying No to unnecessary expensive on the name of marriages. Be with us from the platform of Aasmani Rishtay to make Nikah easier for all and say No to unnecessary expenses and rituals of wedding. 

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posted @ 07:48, ,

Aasmani Rishtay: How it woks

AasmaniRishtay is a platform where we are providing vital services of matrimony according to the new age and latest technologies in vogue. You will have come across many matrimonial platforms but what makes us different in the race of competition is our methodology.

Signing up with us

AasmaniRishtay is open to all of them who are in search of their desired life partner. You just sign up with us and we will help you search and find the perfect match for you.

Your data is safe with us

The information and data you have shared with us while signing up, is not/ will not be shared with or sold to anyone. No one can access your data including your email or contact number.

Parents to parents contact

Unlike the current methods in practice, we are keeping the tradition of the elders alive. Here we talk to the parents of youngsters instead of arranging the meetings of boys and girls. Parents to parents meetings lead to the mutual understanding of families. With the permission of families, the youngsters are allowed to talk to each other.

posted @ 08:37, ,

Basis of Marriages in our society

Marriages are decided in heavens but they are handled in the world. Apart from what is happening in the changing scenario of the modern age, match making is still decided by the families on some basis. we cannot cannot deny the existence and continuation of traditional ways of searching a suitable match for young boys and girls. These ways have been in vogue in our rural areas specially where technology has not broken into. The elders of the family sit together and analyse every match they have in their mind. Generally the basis of a marriages decision are:

Within family

Most of the people do not want to leave their family and to stay in touch with them, decide and  force their children to marry their cousins no matter they want to marry them or not. Personal likes and tilts, if coincidentally match with the 'order' of the elders, are a blessing occurring very rare. Otherwise rule of the elders prevails.

Same cast

People prefer to marry in their cast if they do not go for matches in family. Rajputes, for example, will prefer Rajpute cast when marrying,

Profession based

Doctors generally prefer matches from their own domain and the intention behind is seeking compatibility and understanding of the professional needs and constraints.

Location based

Location plays an important role in match making process. People from cities do not want to go out of their city and seek matches in their nearest locality. Same is the case with those who live in rural areas. They do not want to travel long distances.  

posted @ 00:43, ,

Arrange Vs Love Marriage: Two aspects

The modern age and latest technologies have given birth to new needs. Changing environment has affected household affairs and matrimony is one of the biggest issues of our age. Now parents do not drag their feet to find a suitable match for their son or daughter. Instead, the youngsters select their life partners during studies or on social media. Chats on social media and mobile contacts generally lead to meetings which result in the wedding of the both. Such decisions are generally based on emotional wave and both the boy and girl fly in the air of fantasy but as soon as they come down to the world of reality, they come to know that the phase of fantasy is over. Bitter realities snake up from all around and mutual quarrels arise and trivial issues at home turn disputes.
Parents generally keep themselves aloof from all this scenario on the excuse that they had not their will in the marriage and now they were not responsible. So no elderly support is available and the ultimate end of story reaches a sad climax destroying the couple and if they have kids, these little souls suffer the most.
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posted @ 10:20, ,

What is your Ideal as Life Partner?

One of the match makers of a marriage bureau told me that a young man came to her to search a girl for him whose height is of Aishwaria Roy, whose is like Rani Mukhar Jee’s, and whose gait is like Parianka Chopra. I was surprised to know the demands of the boy who was in search of an ideal life partner. The match maker told me that most of the youngsters want to get the ideal that is far from practical life. And there is no exception with the girls. They too foster same demands and unreachable ideals in their minds while practical life is far different from the life they dreamt of.

Dreaming is the sign of life and thinking of and imagining ideals is not bad but the ground realities should not be ignored. The husband will not and cannot be a superman with all powers in his hand. Likewise, the girl will not be 100% perfect as human is not free of errors. All of us are born with imperfections. So we should look ourselves first before demanding extra-ordinary traits in others. What is your ideal for a perfect life partner?                                        


posted @ 05:37, ,

Joint Family System has gone

The family was quarrelling at midnight and Iwas hearing their loud voices in the neighboring house. Te loud volume of furious voices told me the story even from a distance. Dispute was between family and newly-wed daughter in law and the reason was pretty trivial:

''You people don't give me any importance in this home. I am nothing to you all. I am the eldest daughter-in-law but no one considers me worth respect. I cannot live in such a family where no one even bothers me'' one voice screamed.

''Ok, ok. Don't shout. Lower your voice. I am the head of this home and I don't allow anyone to speak like this'', the head retaliated.
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posted @ 05:28, ,

Social Media and Changing Trends of Marriages

Before a decade or so, head of the family decided about the marriage of his offspring who were supposed to surrender before father or even grandfather in authority. They had no other option but to say yes to the decision. The very basis of decision were pure logical and after weighing the pros and cons of that marriage. Marriages within family were in vogue and it was out of question to go out of clan. The verdict of father or grandfather was a royal order never to be disobeyed. But that was pre-Internet and specially pre-Social Media age. Now life partners are searched on Internet.
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posted @ 02:34, ,

Online Match making: the age of Khala Khairan is gone

Gone are the days when the elders of home would call Khala Khairan of the locality to search an appropriate rishta for their boys and girls. And Khala would enter home with a canopy of gol burqa over her head. She had a ready list of matches in her mental inbox. Mothers and other elderly ladies at home gathered around her and she sat like a queen as she was one of the most important characters of society. She used to be the messenger of both parties and exchanged the messages of match making and on successfully finishing a marriage, she was given rewards from both parties. Her character was so strong in that society that she was called in the meetings of families. At the same time she was equally popular with the youngsters as searched and helped them find the life partner of their choice though it was kept hidden from the elders of homes.

But now things have changed. Fast moving age has multiplied necessities and match making has been shifted to the virtual wings of internet. No one waits for Khala to bring the news of a perfect match. The task has been taken by websites which are facilitating people to find the matches of their choice. Distances have gone with the wind and you can meet anyone sitting in any corner of the world. On line marriage portals are providing match making facilities to all those who are serious in finding a life partner of their choice. Aasmani Rishtay is a platform where you can find the companion of your life.   


posted @ 08:39, ,

Find your partner for the rest of life

Advent of computers and Information technologies has changed the way people meet and get to know each other. Now people can go to different sites, register and upload profiles and images and start looking for people with whom they want to spend rest of their lives and get settled. No other media could do this the way World Wide Web is doing. This trend has given birth to different web sites that offer their platforms to look for soul mates. Now there are different Internet dating services, each with their own niche, style and features. It is overwhelming to choose some time.
Aasmani Rishtay, so aptly named premiere free online dating service that connects single men and women with other like minded people is one of the best places to start looking. If you are single and looking, join us in one simple step and browse the database and see who all are already there. May be what you are looking for is one of them. Have a look.


posted @ 22:51, ,

Find a Perfect Life Partner with Aasmanirishtay

Life is a series of different experiences under different situations. It is a deep bliss of love and loyalty which we want to share with someone. We want to have good time with someone who is near to our heart, listens to our beats and hears what we want to say. And at times we find ourselves in a state when are in dire need of someone who understands and accompanies us no matter what happens with us in life. Such a great life partner is really a blessing by
Those who have got their partners, are lucky and those who are in search of a partner, who matches the colour of their dreams, are thinking on their perfect match.Isn't it so? We have felt the pulse of the changing world and increasing problem of finding proper matches for girls and boys both have driven us to make a platform to address this issue. Here we will collect data from our valued members and their families and make the both parties mutually decide about their decision of marriage. You can trust us and we would answer your trust with our sincere efforts on line to find a perfect and ideal match for you.

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posted @ 10:50, ,
