Aasmani Rishtay

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Basis of Marriages in our society

Marriages are decided in heavens but they are handled in the world. Apart from what is happening in the changing scenario of the modern age, match making is still decided by the families on some basis. we cannot cannot deny the existence and continuation of traditional ways of searching a suitable match for young boys and girls. These ways have been in vogue in our rural areas specially where technology has not broken into. The elders of the family sit together and analyse every match they have in their mind. Generally the basis of a marriages decision are:

Within family

Most of the people do not want to leave their family and to stay in touch with them, decide and  force their children to marry their cousins no matter they want to marry them or not. Personal likes and tilts, if coincidentally match with the 'order' of the elders, are a blessing occurring very rare. Otherwise rule of the elders prevails.

Same cast

People prefer to marry in their cast if they do not go for matches in family. Rajputes, for example, will prefer Rajpute cast when marrying,

Profession based

Doctors generally prefer matches from their own domain and the intention behind is seeking compatibility and understanding of the professional needs and constraints.

Location based

Location plays an important role in match making process. People from cities do not want to go out of their city and seek matches in their nearest locality. Same is the case with those who live in rural areas. They do not want to travel long distances.  

posted @ 00:43,


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