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Arrange Vs Love Marriage: Two aspects

The modern age and latest technologies have given birth to new needs. Changing environment has affected household affairs and matrimony is one of the biggest issues of our age. Now parents do not drag their feet to find a suitable match for their son or daughter. Instead, the youngsters select their life partners during studies or on social media. Chats on social media and mobile contacts generally lead to meetings which result in the wedding of the both. Such decisions are generally based on emotional wave and both the boy and girl fly in the air of fantasy but as soon as they come down to the world of reality, they come to know that the phase of fantasy is over. Bitter realities snake up from all around and mutual quarrels arise and trivial issues at home turn disputes.
Parents generally keep themselves aloof from all this scenario on the excuse that they had not their will in the marriage and now they were not responsible. So no elderly support is available and the ultimate end of story reaches a sad climax destroying the couple and if they have kids, these little souls suffer the most.
On the other hand, parents seem to be touching another extreme. They do not understand the pulse of the day and force the children to marry their cousins or others whom they are not interested in. Boy or girl is interested in someone and wants to marry him/her but the final authority lies in the hands of Abba g or Dada g or any elderly woman. They are forced to marry and live with them without any attraction. It leads to unrest in marital life and the  couple spends most of the time in criticising each other that leads to frequent quarrels and even violence. Sadly, it disturbs the careers, psychology, and even life of the children.
Arrange or love, in both cases, parents have to keep their eyes open and sense the changing environment of new age. If they keep friendly relations with the youngsters, it can save not only the lives of their offspring, but also helps them stand on their feet.    

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posted @ 10:20,


At 23 June 2013 at 11:36, Blogger Lahoremassagist said...

Nice post. But arranged marriages can also be love marriages. No?

At 23 June 2013 at 11:59, Blogger Saima said...

Thanks Nayyar, yeah you are right.

At 9 July 2013 at 03:56, Blogger Unknown said...

Enjoyed reading your post and I do agree with you. Arranged or love both will face the ritual consequences of arguments, disagreements,lack of mutual interest etc....It is the understanding and love that they must conquer and marriages should be to make the girl and boy happy and not for families to conquer wealth........But every parent wants the best for their son/daughter and it is natural that they seek the highest offer they can get in the marriage market and at this point they forget to inquire their son's /daughters consent. But now with the changing world things are becoming different and parents and children are more understanding with each others requirements in choosing a life partner.

At 14 July 2013 at 12:21, Anonymous Admin said...

Thanks Sajini Chandrasekera for your thoughtful comment.:)


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