Aasmani Rishtay

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Paper Marriage is under strict observation abroad

A lot of young men go crazy for going abroad in order to earn their living. No doubt, economic recession in the country, devaluation of local currency, and increasing unemployment in Pakistan are some of the monsters that compel our young lot to think of going abroad. Their relatives and friends abroad intensify their desire with their show off of wealth on their visit to Pakistan and a deep feel of inferiority and being let down overwhelms them and they long for flying to US and other European countries where, they think, rivers of dollars and pounds flow and heavens are waiting for them.
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posted @ 08:16, ,

Marriage Rituals and Islam

A politician in Bahawalnagar district wedded recently and the barat was demanded to come by helicopter. The bride desired to go to her husband’s place in a helicopter. Desires are the signs of life and they should exist in our daily life otherwise life will be a blank paper. But these wishes and desires should not be at the cost of others. Desire of bringing barat on a helicopter may lead to a trend or the other brides of the area can also demand the same on their marriage. Where will the trend go if this practice goes on? What if someone is
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posted @ 05:43, ,

Eid Bazaars and ladies shopping

Eid ul Fitr is in the wake and excitement of girls and ladies goes on increasing in spite of the hot and humid weather. They have started visiting boutiques, cloth depots, shoes brands and jewelry shops. Mehndi is another festivity that is favorite on Eid and without which Eid is not considered perfect. Special Mehndi stalls on Eid are the temporary beauty of Eid bazaars skilled people are hired to apply Mehndi on the hands of girls. Bangles are another must and shops have an extended item of Eid.  After Eid, wedding season is coming up, so the ladies are shopping for two events.

Other Eid accessories consist of home decor, children items, food items, make up, and what not. These bazaars are prelude to Eid and marriages after Eid. So the rush in these bazaars and markets is justifiable.  These preludes offer complete shopping packages at one place and aim at pleasing the customers with the best they can have for them.   

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posted @ 12:46, ,

Where are the Perfect Matches?

According to an estimate, 10 million girls are unmarried in Pakistan and their parents are waiting for the suitable matches for them. Every rising day they start waiting for someone to select them as their life partners and every sunset brings news of ‘no one came’. Disappointments and depression overwhelm them and different psychological problems appear in their life. Parents blame themselves to have daughters and the girls allege themselves to be born as girls. High standards of our society and double standards of the parents of boys contribute to a massive number of these unmarried girls. Why are parents of boys not empathetic towards the family of girls? They seek for a daughter-in-law resembling moon irrespective of appearance and look of their son.

Out of the main reasons of this gigantic number, there is a tendency of impressing others with the selection of superb daughter-in-law. Relatives and friends are the audience of this show off who are feared to make fool if daughter-in-law is not extremely beautiful, smart and cool.

Dowry is the other main reason of this issue. Those who are not financially strong are doomed to suffer like this. They do not have money to buy cars, heavy machinery, plots, and house to their daughter in dowry. And the result is the daughters turn gray-headed at home of parents. Marriage is a bargain in other words.

Appearance is the only criterion to select a girl as life partner. It means those who have not been born with so-called beauty, will not find matches. girls with less height or with any physical problem are denied to get selected as life partners. 

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posted @ 14:20, ,

Long Shirt Bridal Lehnga in2013

After Eid wedding season will be on and ladies will get busy in designing and shopping wedding dresses and instinctively, they want to look unique and most beautiful in the marriage function. Their search for latest trends in bridal Lehngas is justifiable. Those who will get marry after Eid, are busy in designing and stitching bridal dresses. The latest Lehnga is coming in long shirt that looks so beautiful.  Due to its fine work, fantastic look, and a lot of variety available in the market, long shirt Lehnga is popular among girls. Long shirt is in vogue with Lehnga as well as sharara.

Long shirt is coming in two styles: open shirt and long shirt. Heavy embroidery in both styles is available on bridal boutiques and market. Some people prefer to buy the stuff and get it stitched from tailors. Red and maroon combinations and contrasts are tradition which is preferred by the majority of brides as red color is the symbol of suhaag. The second day dresses can be of different colors in the same variety.  You can now avail the on line presence of bridal shops with their pages on social media. Placing an order on line for the dress you want is not an issue today. But the real bliss is in the bridal shopping in the markets, window shopping, and enjoying rate fixing with the shop keepers.   

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posted @ 05:44, ,

Seasons of Marriages in Pakistan

Pakistan is located in region where extremities of four weathers touch the land and its inhabitants have to adapt themselves according to the modes and moods of weathers. Intensely cold weather confines the outside activities on one side, and blistering sun limits all mobility for the three months of summer.  Hot and humid weather of the rainy season makes it very hard to manage marriage functions. Suffocation and humidity level in the air deteriorates the wedding activities and people generally prefer their marriage in October to December and February to the mid of April.  These months are ideal for functions as there are no warm clothes needed to cover from cold nor are there any fans or air conditioners required to keep the temperature normal.  

Wedding dresses are available in the stuff that is not easy to wear in terribly hot or cold weather. All bridal dresses are made with embroidery and other fine work in fancy stuff that makes it heavy to wear and bear it in extreme seasons.

Food served in wedding functions is also a matter of concern when talking on the ideal season of marriages. In summer, it is feared to go stale and in winter it needs to be heated again and again.   

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posted @ 06:43, ,

Rasm e Mehndi in Marriages

One of the most fascinating event in marriages is the ritual of mehndi celebrated almost in every family. It is the generally stag night when hands and feet of the girl are garnished with mehndi that leaves dark red or maroon color on the skin and is considered a compulsory part of a marriage.  Apparently, it is a function of applying mehndi, but it is made colorful with singing songs and dancing by the friends and family members of bride. Girl wears yellow or green fancy dress of her choice or brought by the family of bridegroom. In some marriages, family of bridegroom brings mehndi for the girl and the both families enjoy the colors and bliss of the event.  Mehndi is brought in fancy dishes adorned with candles and flowers. Young boys and girls conduct singing contests while elders enjoy their activities sitting in arm chairs and sofas.

Elder ladies and specially seven suhagan (the ladies who are married) ladies are supposed to start the ritual of married and they put a little quantity of mehndi on the hands of bride. Though this mehndi is merely a display and real mehndi is applied by the beauticians or any other expert lady, the whole gathering makes it a beautiful function. There is no panic or hurry in this function that makes it the most memorable event and young generation prefers to attend it the most.  Though these rituals have been taken from other nations, everyone family plans and manages them with zeal. 

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posted @ 03:31, ,

Closing Marriage Halls at 10pm is a good step by the government

One of the positive steps by the government of Punjab is the decision of closing all wedding halls at 10 pm. Before this decision, marriage ceremonies lasted till dawn that affected the routines of the participants on one side, and increased overall cost on unnecessary wedding rituals. Marriage is a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but we have made it an event full of rituals which are generally taken and borrowed from other nations. We feel proud of excessive outflow of money on our wedding functions regardless of the fact that we are harming others.

Our pride is extravagance on marriages in society breeds many problems. This show off of lavish expenditure on unnecessary rituals leaves others in inferiority complex. Wedding halls were reserved till late at night and dance parties and singers were invited to entertain the participants of wedding. Restricting marriage hall and closing them at 10 pm has checked this lavishness a great deal.   

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posted @ 03:52, ,

Match Making in Rural Areas of Pakistan

It would not be wrong to say that Pakistan is a land of rituals, festivals, and celebrations.It is the land of thousand faces, a country simply overflowing with cultural richness. Whatever the preferences, a wedding in Pakistan is good display of customs, traditions, many of which are heavily influenced by foreign customs. Marriage is an important social celebration and people participate with passion and enthusiasm. The rites are imbued with a certain sentiment appeal. And they are considered a must in functions and jubilation.

Demographically, Pakistan is divided in rural hinterland and urban areas. Common among marriages in rural and urban areas are Mangnee, Mayoon, Mehndi, Nikah, Valima and living happily ever after. But the way these colorful rituals are performed greatly vary.

Rural areas of Pakistan still remain a largely conservative society, where many young people shy away when it comes to marriages. Exceptions apart, arranged marriages are a cornerstone of rural society. It remains the responsibility of parents and marriages are mostly among people within the same tribe, caste, community, family or locality. 

This is what happens in rural areas with some minor changes from place to place: After initial understanding and covert messages between families of prospective spouses, the boy's relatives visit the girl's family and offer the proposal, on formal acceptance the "mangni" (engagement) takes place, marriage date is fixed, groom, with friends and relatives goes to the house of the bride in the form of barat (marriage procession) where the nikah (social contact) is performed. The consent of the bride and the groom to the marriage (ijab and qabool) in the presence of at least two witnesses is obtained to solemnize the contract as per the commandment of divine Islam. Guests are served with sumptuous food (notwithstanding what the law of the land says about the feast). Groom brings home his the bride. This is followed by Walima. Life goes on . . . 

Moreover, on the arrival of barat, the dowry is displayed for every one to see and at the same place groom's female relatives show what they have gifted (jewelry and clothing) to the bride. Both sides glorify the gifts. Paradoxically, in Punjab, a night earlier than the marriage date, groom visits homes of his friends and relatives where he is offered money. Other gifts mostly in the form of money (salami) or garlands made of currency notes are presented when groom gets ready for going to bride's home. Customarily, groom dresses up in attire presented to him by one of his sisters and in return, he gives to his sister(s) what she demands. There are no marriage halls and the congregations take place in homes and or community centres (called Daras). There are no caterers. Local tradesmen prepare food and serve. 

As per the available statistics, divorce rate in the rustic areas is comparatively lower. The core joint family system is still in tact and that is one of the reasons for low divorce rate. At the other hand, marriages at very young age, consanguineous marriages, marriages without consent of the partners and cross marriages are common. And they are one way or the other successful due to the family set ups and involvement of elders who are the main deciding authority over there even today..

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posted @ 12:18, ,

Stop Child Marriage

She was 10 and half years old when she was told one day that the next day she will leave the home of her parents because her father has given her to another tribe as wife of a man who was in his late 60s. The news was not completely understood by the girl but the news of leaving her home was shocking for her and she started crying. No tear knocked any door of the hearts of parents, relatives, or any all others around called humans. And she was dragged to the new home with her husband who was elder even than his father. Yes it was a marriage. The wealthy father had paid a heavy price of a life and a greedy or poor father sold himself in the market. Bride was less than eleven and bridegroom was more than 60. What a couple they made! Religion, ethics, medical facts…….all stayed deaf and dumb and a happy marriage took place in the far off village.

It is happening even today in those areas where there are no roads to take media and their news reporters or cameras. Since the news is of a wealthy or influential people of society, it is generally not allowed to travel on the wings of media. No reporting, no action, and even no listening of the affected child are those social ills that scream of instant help and redemption.  NGOs and government bodies need a joint venture to not only stop this cruel action but they need to ‘infiltrate’ education into these minds who are the godfathers of such rural areas.  

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posted @ 06:01, ,

Understanding of Relations resolves Post-Marriage Issues

It is a general observation that parents are found cursing their sons who have changed after their marriage. Daughter-in-law is generally blamed of getting their son converted to merely a husband rather than a son and brother. Apart from individual examples which are not more than a few, problems generally lied underneath the lack of understanding the sensitive nature of relation that grow more touchy after marriage. Two families come into contact and if the both are not kept and maintained in a balanced way, relations get deteriorated and the climax sometimes reaches the peak point of divorce.  Post-marriage issues at home are sometimes really pathetic.scenes at home are sometimes really pathetic.
Weighing both sides in an equal way is the key to the respectful and reasonable solution of all post-marriage issues at home. When there is an equilibrium between wife and the parental side, generally complaints of the both die out and husband comes up successful. The crux of the matter is that parents feel themselves insecure after their daughter-in-law reaches home whereas, daughter-in-law takes them as enemies or adversaries whose mission is to undermine the character of the former. Proper division of time and attention to both and discussing their complaints as a family is the key to peaceful solutions. Due to lack of education, our ladies are house wives who are less patient to the other party at home. The need is to put the both at their proper place avoiding any tilt.    

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posted @ 12:39, ,

Match Making with Aasmani Rishtay

Aasmanirishtay.com is a matrimonial platform where we make it easy for the match seekers to find the match of their choice. With our pious intent of helping the people find their spouse in the pool of thousands. You do not need to go to visit homes or even bureaus for this purpose. Just open your computer or laptop or phone and be with us. We will take care of your privacy and data you will share with us.  Match making was never so easy, you will agree with us once you register on aasmanirishtay.com and give us a chance to find you a perfect life partner for the rest of your life. A good decision leads to good results. We have tried our best to facilitate you with the latest technology and trends of the hour.
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posted @ 10:04, ,

Shops of Bridal Dresses on Social Media

Well, a wedding function at your home is nearing and you have to buy a lot but the terrible weather outside does not allow you to bother the hot and humid The rise of Social Media has, on one side, enlightened the modern man, it has also made life easy and convenient for those who do not have enough time to go to bazaars and markets to buy what they need. Busy routine of life and working six days a week has left everyone tired of physically going to the market. And then the deteriorated situation of law and order is a burning question of the day but do not worry. Social Media has reached your door step. It is just one click away from you when you are intending to buy a bridal dress for bride or bridegroom. Dresses at competitive rates in a marvelous quality and reasonable tags are available while you are sitting in your arm chair.

Know the Trends

Social Media has opened open shops where you do window shopping all the day. On line stores show you all their inventory and you can make choices. Trendy and in fashion dresses in bridal niche is what you will love to have in your hands. Place an order and have your dress. You can know the trends, save the picture, copy the style of bridal dress and enjoy the latest fashion.

Online shopping

Home delivery has made another task easy for you. Now go to kitchen, make a coffee mug and open the main gate on a door bell. The order you placed, is on the gate. How easy it is to buy bridal dresses now! Isn't it?  

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posted @ 03:57, ,

Post-Marriage Issues are equally important to consider

This is the story of those days when a few years pass after marriage. The bliss and charm of marital life is over and ground realities stand up from all sides. Economic issues, domestic crisis, and family involvement breeds tensions and frustrations in the minds of the couple and they start living like strangers while being under one roof. Life becomes tough, days and nights are heavier and a happy life turns to a burden. But there is no issue that cannot be sorted out. With a slight understanding and cooperation, home can be converted to a happy home again. 

Share your tensions with your life partner

Most of our domestic problems arise when we do not share our problems with our life partner. Wife demands and husband is supposed to meet all those demands without being noticed that he is in financial trouble. If he takes his wife into confidence and budgets his household, many unnecessary expenses can be subtracted from daily and monthly register.

Do not cheat or lie

Cheating is the climax of relations whereas telling lies are the beginning points to kill a happy life. Try to be truthful to your life partner. It can save you from many troubles.

Trust each other

Trust is the key to healthy relation between a couple. Sceptical attitude and questioning kills the peaceful environment of home.

Recognise the work of your spouse

Generally, our ladies are house wives and they keep themselves busy in household all the day but husbands do not recognise their contribution to successful running of home. A little recognition can resolve many issues at home. 

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posted @ 10:27, ,
